2016 saw MSSA holding its annual general meeting at University Malaya Alumni Association’s new clubhouse. This meeting was a historic moment for MSSA as it marked MSSA’s 20th annual general meeting. With an attendance of 32 members, the meeting was called to order at 2.45pm for the main purpose of confirming the minutes of the 19thAGM, to receive the 2015 activities as reported by the Honorary Secretary General, as well as the audited 2015 Statement of Accounts offered by The Honorary Treasurer General.
Due to a commitment in Dubai, the MSSA President, Y. Bhg. Dato’ Sri Ir Dr Judin Abdul Karim was not able to attend the meeting. Thus, it was chaired by the Deputy President, Ir Stephen Tam with Ir Lim Tau Soon having the honour of delivering the President’s address.
In this address, the President expressed his special gratitude for the council members’ continuous support namely; Puan Amna Emir as the long-time Honorary Secretary General, Mr Matthew Tee as the long-time Honorary Treasurer General, Ir Stephen Tam, Assoc Prof Ir Dr Mohd. Shahir Liew, Ir Keh Chin Ann, Mr Muhammar Gadaffi, and also of Ir Normah Norman and Ir Zubaidah Mohd. Nasir as MSSA’s Auditors.
In citing the year’s activities, The Honorary Secretary General highlighted how the new Executive Council members had not only brought with them new ideas but offered also a strong network of experts. Among the other activities mentioned were MSSA’s appointment as the secretariat in the initiation of a programme to convert selected decommissioned off shore rigs, named the Rigs.volution, into habitable and sustainable projects, launched during the International Construction week in September 2015 at PWTC; the Open Ideas Competition (OIC) opened to the 17 universities MSSA has MoU with, themed “High Rise Residence For Students”; MSSA’s newsletter STEEL.NEWS, which covers interesting articles on building and constructions; as well as its training courses both in the mainstream courses and the oil and gas sector. In addition, MSSA also organized a technical visit hosted by STAM Steel Sdn Bhd / Daewoo Engineering Corporation to MATRADE Exhibition Centre.
With all of MSSA’s 2015 activities being supported well by CIDB, AME Engineering Sdn Bhd, Siam Yamato Steel Co. Ltd, Ann Yak Siong Hardaware Sdn. Bhd. and STAM Steel Engineering Sdn. Bhd., the President acknowledged the corporate rolex replica support they offered. Special thanks was also offered to CIDB for allowing MSSA the opportunity to be partners in CIDB’s International Construction Week for 2015 as well as for 2016. All in all, by the close of 2015, MSSA had recorded 483 members with 124 active student members.
The Honorary Treasurer General, Mr Matthew Tee’s report highlighted the net profit had increased by 65% compared to last year. Thus, Council members recommended that the annual fee unpaid balance by ordinary members of more than 2 years be written off.
With Cik Mustazah Khalid’s confirmation that there were no resolutions or new agenda for further discussions received from members, Ir. Stephen Tam consequently declared the meeting adjourned at 3.30 pm.
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